Help you make sense of the news

Today there’s more news available from more sources than ever before. We aim to help everyone to make sense of it all through our products and experiences, including Google News, “Top stories” and other features in Search, Discover, Assistant, and YouTube.

Using technology to connect you to information

Technology enables us to organize millions of news stories in dozens of languages and make them discoverable to anyone, any minute of the day. Rather than relying on human editors to select the articles you see, Google’s automated systems, called algorithms, use artificial intelligence to analyze hundreds of different factors to identify and organize the stories being covered around the world. In some cases, we may highlight designated topical experiences, but our primary approach is to use technology to reflect the news landscape, and leave editorial decisions to publishers.
Illustration of connected information

Providing access to context and multiple perspectives

Part of understanding the news is learning from multiple points of view and being aware of a story’s broader context. Google’s news experiences connect you with sources from your local community, country, and across the globe, working in a variety of languages and formats. Our goal is to connect you with a broad array of perspectives and reporting to help you develop your own informed opinions. When helpful to understand a developing story, we may highlight and curate topical experiences to provide context and related perspectives around a single news event or topic.
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Elevating trustworthy information

Google strives to make it easy for you to find trustworthy information and to know where that information is coming from. Our algorithms are designed to elevate news from expert and authoritative sources, and we require publishers to be transparent about behaviors like site ownership, article authorship, bylines, and more in order to be represented in news results.
Illustration of a closer examination of some content

Fighting misrepresentative and deceptive practices

Our news policies target bad behavior, regardless of political perspective. We do not allow sources that misrepresent themselves with regard to their ownership or primary purpose. This includes sources that misrepresent their country of origin or that work together in ways that mislead users about their editorial relationships or independence.